Google Search Console Reports 📔 Full List

⚂ 3D Models Report

The ⚂ 3D Models Report in Google Search Console provides insights into how Google indexes and displays ⚂ 3D content from your site. As an SEO expert, you can leverage this data to optimize ⚂ 3D models for better visibility in search results.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) Report

The ⚡ AMP Report is essential for SEO professionals aiming to enhance mobile user experience. It offers data on how your ⚡ AMP pages are indexed and presented in Google Search. You can monitor the performance of your ⚡ AMP content, ensuring fast loading times and improved rankings.

AMP Articles Report

The ⚡ AMP Articles Report focuses on Google's treatment of your ⚡ AMP-based articles. As an SEO expert, understanding the nuances of this report is crucial for optimizing article-rich pages for mobile users. The link ensures you have a granular view of how Google handles your ⚡ AMP articles, aiding in SEO improvements.

Articles Report

The Articles Report focuses on Google's treatment of your published articles. As an SEO expert, understanding the nuances of this report is crucial for optimizing article-rich pages. This link ensures you have a granular view of how Google handles your Articles, helping in page improvements.

Auto User Review Report

The Auto User Review Report is essential for SEO experts managing websites with user-generated content. You can assess how Google handles auto-generated user reviews. This insight is valuable for optimizing review-rich pages, improving search visibility, and building trust with users.

🍞 Breadcrumbs Report

🍞 Breadcrumbs are vital for enhancing site navigation and user experience. The 🍞 Breadcrumbs Report in GSC helps SEO professionals ensure that Google correctly recognizes and displays 🍞 Breadcrumb trails from their websites. You can monitor the performance of your site 🍞 Breadcrumbs, ensuring their proper visibility in search results.

🎠 Carousels Report

SEO professionals seeking to optimize content displayed in 🎠 Carousels on Google Search should pay attention to the 🎠 Carousels Report. The link allows you to analyze 🎠 Carousel performance. This knowledge empowers you to enhance content presentation and engagement in 🎠 Carousels, contributing to better search rankings.

COPPA: Tag for 🧒🏻 Child-Directed Treatment

You can tag a site or service that you would like treated as child-directed, in whole or in part, for purposes of the 🧒🏻 Children's Online Privacy Protection Action (COPPA).
You can tag an entire domain or portions of a domain (sub-domain or sub-directory) for treatment as child-directed, and the lower level pages will also be covered by the tag. Note: it may take some time for this designation to take effect in applicable Google services. Google may limit the number of domains or sub-domains you may include.

Core Web Vitals Report

The Core Web Vitals Report is a must-have for SEO professionals focused on enhancing the user experience. It concentrates on essential metrics that impact page loading and interactivity. You can track how your website performs concerning core web vital metrics, such as Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), and make improvements accordingly.

Course Info Report

The Course Info Report in Google Search Console is crucial for SEO experts in the e-Learning industry. It provides insights into how Google indexes and displays your Course related Information from your website.

Courses Report

The Courses Report in Google Search Console is crucial for SEO experts in the eLearning industry. It provides insights into how Google indexes and displays course-related content from your website. The link helps you monitor the performance of your online courses in search results, facilitating SEO improvements.

🧐 Critic Reviews Report

SEO professionals managing websites with critical 🧐 reviews can benefit from the Critic Reviews Report. You can assess how Google handles Critic 🧐 reviews from your site. This knowledge is invaluable for optimizing review-rich pages, enhancing search visibility, and building trust with users.

🗃️ Datasets Report

The 🗃️ Datasets Report in Google Search Console is essential for SEO experts dealing with data-rich content. It provides insights into how Google indexes and displays 🗃️ Datasets from your site. The link enables you to monitor the performance of your 🗃️ Datasets in search results, aiding SEO enhancements.

🔥 Discussion Forum Report

Discussion forum markup is designed for any forum-style site where people collectively share first-hand perspectives (so-called Flame 🔥). When forum sites add this markup, Google Search can better identify online discussions across the web and make use of this markup in features such as Discussions and Forums and Perspectives.

🧑‍🏫 Education Q&A (Question and Answer) Report

🧑‍🏫 Education Q&A content is crucial for addressing educational queries, and the "Q and A" Report in Search Console is essential for SEO professionals managing such content. The link allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays 🧑‍🏫 Educational Q & A content from your website. This knowledge empowers you to enhance Education Q&A-rich pages for improved search visibility.

💸 Employer Ratings Report

For SEO professionals in the realm of employer ratings and reviews, the 💸 Employer Ratings Report is indispensable. You can assess how Google treats employer ratings from your website. This knowledge is pivotal for optimizing rating-rich pages, improving search visibility, and establishing credibility.

Entity Lookup Report

The Entity Lookup Report is a valuable resource for businesses dealing with structured data and entities. You can monitor how Google recognizes and displays Entities related to your content. This report is instrumental in ensuring the accurate representation of your entities in search results, which is crucial for visibility and relevance.

🤑 Estimated Salaries Report

The 🤑 Estimated Salaries Report is a vital tool for SEO experts dealing with job-related content. You can monitor how Google indexes and presents estimated salary information from your site. This insight is essential for optimizing job-related pages, enhancing search visibility, and providing users with accurate salary data.

🎟️ Events Report

SEO professionals focusing on event-related content should pay attention to the 🎟️ Events Report. It provides valuable insights into how Google indexes and displays event information from your website. The link allows you to monitor the performance of your Events listings, aiding SEO optimization efforts.

✔️ Fact Check Report

Fact-checking plays a crucial role in maintaining online credibility. The ✔️ Fact Check Report in Google Search Console is essential for SEO experts aiming to ensure the accuracy of information on their websites. You can monitor how Google handles fact-checking data, contributing to trustworthy search results.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Report

FAQs are essential for enhancing user experience and addressing common queries. The ❓ FAQ Report in GSC helps SEO professionals ensure that Google accurately recognizes and displays ❓ FAQ Schema markup on their websites. Obsolete now.

📰 Feed Reports

The 📰 Feed Report is essential for websites that provide feeds, such as news or content syndication. You can assess how well your feed content is performing in Google Search. This report offers insights into indexing, issues, and overall visibility, helping you optimize your feed content for a broader audience. Selected availability now.

🫰🏻 Financial Wellness Report

SEO experts in the finance industry should take advantage of the 🫰🏻 Financial Wellness Report. It offers insights into how Google indexes and presents financial wellness information from your site. You can monitor the performance of your financial wellness content in search results, aiding SEO enhancements.

🧑‍🍳 Guided Recipes Report

Guided recipes are crucial for cooking enthusiasts, and the 🧑‍🍳 Guided Recipes Report is invaluable for SEO professionals managing recipe-rich websites. The link enables you to monitor how Google indexes and displays guided recipes from your site. This knowledge empowers you to enhance recipe presentation and user engagement in search results.

How-To Report

How-To guides are popular content types, and the How-To Report in Google Search Console is essential for SEO experts. You can assess how Google handles how-to content from your website. This insight is vital for optimizing how-to-rich pages, improving search visibility, and providing users with valuable instructional content. Only for some sites.

🔒 HTTPS (Secure Websites) Report

SEO professionals prioritize website security, and the 🔒 HTTPS Report is a key tool in ensuring a secure online presence. You can monitor how Google handles 🔒 HTTPS-related data from your site. This knowledge contributes to maintaining a secure and trustworthy website, positively impacting search rankings.

🩻 Images Metadata Report

For SEO experts managing websites with image content, the 🩻 Images Licenses Report is crucial. It provides insights into how Google indexes and displays image licensing information from your site. The link enables you to monitor the performance of your 🩻 Image licensing data in search results, aiding SEO improvements.

📇 Indexing Report

In 📇 Indexing Report you can find all indexed and not indexed pages from your site and check site's indexing progress. Display of Impressions in search results graph is optional.

Job Trainings Report

SEO professionals in the job training sector should utilize the Job Trainings Report. It offers valuable insights into how Google indexes and presents job training-related content from your site. You can monitor the performance of your job training listings in search results, facilitating SEO enhancements.

🧑🏻‍💼 Job Postings Report

The 🧑🏻‍💼 Job Postings Report is essential for SEO experts in the job listing industry. You can assess how Google treats job listings from your website. This knowledge is pivotal for optimizing job-rich pages, improving search visibility, and helping job seekers find relevant opportunities.

Learning Video Report

Learning videos are valuable educational resources, and the Learning Videos Report is essential for SEO professionals managing such content. Link allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays Learning Videos from your site. This knowledge empowers you to enhance video visibility and educational experiences in search results.

🔍 Lenslets Report

SEO experts dealing with lenslet-related content should pay attention to the 🔍 Lenslets Report. It provides insights into how Google indexes and presents lenslet data from your site. You can monitor the performance of your lenslet content in search results, aiding SEO optimization efforts.

🔗 Links Report

The 🔗 Links Report is a fundamental tool for analyzing backlinks to your website. You can gain insights into which pages 🔗 to your site and assess the quality and quantity of backlinks. This information is crucial for enhancing your site's authority and ranking in search results.

Lists Report

Lists are a common content format, and the Lists Report in Google Search Console is crucial for SEO professionals. Report allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays list-based content from your website. This knowledge empowers you to optimize list-rich pages for improved search visibility.

📺 Live Coverage Articles Report

📺 Live coverage articles are pertinent for news publishers, and the 📺 Live Coverage Articles Report is indispensable for SEO experts in this field. You can assess how Google handles 📺 Live Coverage Articles from your site. This insight is vital for optimizing live coverage content, enhancing search visibility, and providing timely news updates.

🏪 Local Business Report

Local businesses rely on local search visibility, making the 🏪 Local Business Report essential for SEO professionals in this domain. The link allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays 🏪 Local Business information from your website. This knowledge empowers you to enhance local SEO strategies and improve online visibility for local establishments.

GSC Enhancements Logo Logos Report

GSC Enhancements Logo Logos play a vital role in brand recognition, and the Logos Report is crucial for SEO experts managing websites with logo-related content. You can assess how Google indexes and displays logos from your site. This insight helps in optimizing pages for better brand visibility in search results.

🫳🏻 Manual Actions Report

The 🫳🏻 Manual Actions Report is critical for websites that have received manual penalties from Google. You can identify the reasons behind these actions and take steps to rectify issues. This report is essential for restoring your site's search visibility and ensuring compliance with search engine guidelines.

🧮 Math Solvers Report

SEO professionals dealing with Math-solving content should utilize the 🧮 Math Solvers Report. It offers insights into how Google indexes and presents math-solving tools from your site. This link enables you to monitor the performance of your math solver content in search results, aiding SEO improvements.

🤒 Medical Conditions Report

The 🤒 Medical Conditions Report is essential for SEO experts in the healthcare industry. You can assess how Google treats medical condition-related content from your website. This knowledge is pivotal for optimizing medical content, enhancing search visibility, and providing reliable healthcare information.

📦 Merchant Listings Report

SEO professionals managing e-commerce websites should pay attention to the 📦 Merchant Listings Report. It provides valuable insights into how Google indexes and displays merchant listings from your site. The link allows you to monitor the performance of your product listings in search results, aiding e-commerce SEO efforts.

📱 Mobile Usability Report

The 📱 Mobile Usability Report is essential for ensuring your site is mobile-friendly. You can identify and resolve mobile usability issues that may hinder your site's performance on mobile devices. This report aids in delivering a seamless and responsive mobile user experience, which is increasingly important for search rankings.

📽️ Movies Report

For SEO experts in the entertainment industry, the 📽️ Movies Report is indispensable. You can assess how Google handles movie-related content from your website. This insight is vital for optimizing movie-rich pages, improving search visibility, and providing users with accurate movie information.

❌ Opt Out from certain Google Properties

The ❌ Opt-out applies on a domain name basis. For instance, a website owner may designate to subject all content on that domain name to the opt out. If you own additional domains (like or, including domains that may serve content to an opted out domain, you must opt them out separately for the opt-out to apply to the content on each of those separate domains. A website owner may not designate only individual sub-domains (such as or individual directories within a domain (such as for the opt-out.

🗂️ Organization Info Report

This report provides an overview about how your 🗂️ Organization Info is indexed and presented in Google. You can check if your 🗂️ Organization's Information shown in a best way in search results.

🗏 Page Experience Report

The 🗏 Page Experience Report is a vital resource for ensuring your site provides a top-notch user experience. You can assess various metrics related to page experience, including Core Web Vitals, mobile-friendliness, and more. This report guides you in creating a user-friendly website that resonates with both users and search engines.

🧱 Paywalled Content Report

Paywalled content is valuable, and the 🧱 Paywalled Content Report is essential for SEO professionals managing such content. The link enables you to monitor how Google indexes and displays paywalled content from your site. This knowledge empowers you to optimize access to premium content and enhance search visibility.

🧑 Person Report

The 🧑 Person Report in Google Search Console is crucial for SEO experts focusing on personal branding or public figures. You can assess how Google treats information about individuals from your website. This insight is pivotal for optimizing personal branding content, enhancing search visibility, and managing online reputations.

Performance in Discover Report

The Performance in Discover Report is crucial for websites aiming to enhance their performance in Google Discover. You can track how your content is featured and interacted with in Google Discover. This report aids in optimizing content for a broader audience and maximizing your reach through this platform.

Performance in Google 🗞️ News Report

The Performance in Google 🗞️ News Report is a valuable resource for news publishers. You can assess how your content performs in Google 🗞️ News, including indexing, errors, and visibility. This report is indispensable for optimizing news content and ensuring its visibility to a broader readership.

Performance in Search Analytics Report

The Performance in Search Analytics Report is essential for SEO professionals looking to dive deep into their site's search performance. You can access data related to search queries, clicks, and impressions. This report is invaluable for optimizing your content strategy and tailoring it to what your audience is searching for.

✍️ Practice Problems Report

SEO professionals managing educational platforms can benefit from the ✍️ Practice Problems Report. It offers insights into how Google indexes and displays practice problems from your site. The link allows you to monitor the performance of your practice problem content in search results, aiding educational SEO efforts.

🛒 Products Report

E-commerce SEO experts should utilize the 🛒 Product Report. It provides valuable insights into how Google indexes and displays product-related content from your site. You can monitor the performance of your product listings in search results, aiding e-commerce SEO efforts.

👤 Profile Page Report

This report related to users 👤 Profile Pages usually found on Discussion 🔥 Forums. Structured data of 👤 Profile Page may help representing a 🔥 Forum user better in search results. It may include avatar, name, location, and other helpful data about a 🔥 Forum user.

Q&A 🙋🏻 (Question and Answer) Report

Q&A 🙋🏻 content is crucial for addressing user queries, and the "Q and A" Report in GSC is essential for SEO professionals managing such content. The link allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays ❔🔣🙋🏻 content from your website. This knowledge empowers you to enhance Q&A-rich pages for improved search visibility. Obsolete now.

🍳 Recipes Report

Recipes are popular online, and the 🍳 Recipes Report is essential for SEO experts in the culinary field. You can assess how Google handles recipe-related content from your website. This insight is vital for optimizing recipe-rich pages, improving search visibility, and providing users with valuable culinary instructions.

🚮 Removals Report

The 🚮 Removals Report is a valuable tool for managing removal requests. You can monitor and manage temporary removals of content from Google Search. This report is essential for handling situations where specific content should not be indexed or displayed temporarily.

Review Snippets Report

Reviews are essential for building trust, and the Review Snippets Report is crucial for SEO professionals managing websites with review content. You can assess how Google handles review snippets from your site. This knowledge empowers you to optimize review-rich pages, enhance search visibility, and establish credibility with users.

👮🏻 Security Issues Report

The 👮🏻 Security Issues Report is critical for ensuring the safety and trustworthiness of your website. You can access information about potential security issues that may impact your site's search ranking. This report is indispensable for maintaining a secure online presence and users trust.

Settings > Extended News Previews

The Extended News Previews program (ENP) is Google's initiative responding to the requirements of Article 15 of the 2019 European Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. Under this law, some uses of press publication content by online platforms require authorization by the publisher of the content. The use of links and very short extracts of press publications does not require authorization.

Settings > robots.txt

This report shows which robots.txt files Google crawler found for the top 20 hosts on your site, the last time they were crawled, and any warnings or errors encountered during crawl. The report also enables you to request a recrawl of a robots.txt file for emergency situations.

🗺️ Sitemaps Report

The 🗺️ Sitemaps Report is a fundamental tool for managing your website's sitemap files. You can track the status and performance of your Sitemaps submissions. This report aids in ensuring that search engines can efficiently crawl and index your site.

Sitelinks 🔎 Searchbox Report

Sitelinks 🔎 Searchbox is a valuable feature for enhancing site navigation, and the Sitelinks 🔎 Searchbox Report is essential for SEO professionals. The link allows you to monitor how Google recognizes and displays the searchbox on your site. This knowledge empowers you to improve site navigation and user experience, contributing to better search rankings.

🛍️ Shopping Tab Listings Report

SEO experts in the e-commerce sector should utilize the 🛍️ Shopping Tab Listings Report. It offers insights into how Google indexes and presents product listings in the shopping tab from your site. You can monitor the performance of your product listings in the Shopping tab, aiding e-commerce SEO efforts.

🖬 Software Apps Report

SEO professionals managing software-related content should pay attention to the 🖬 Software Apps Report. It provides valuable insights into how Google indexes and displays 🖬 Software Apps from your site. The link allows you to monitor the performance of your 🖬 Software Applications listings in search results, aiding SEO efforts in the software industry.

Submit a 🦠 COVID-19 Announcement for your site

Authority websites, such as government agencies, official health authority, and schools, can use this tool to submit an important 🦠 COVID-19 announcement on their site, particularly if they are unable to use structured data. This includes the closure of facilities, rescheduling of events, and new availability of medical facilities (for example, testing centers). Google Search uses this information to better understand the content on your web page and show the important announcement to relevant people.

😷 Special Announcements Report

Special announcements are crucial for timely communication, and the 😷 Special Announcements Report is essential for SEO experts. You can assess how Google treats special announcements from your website. This insight is pivotal for optimizing special announcement content, enhancing search visibility, and delivering important updates to users.

🏟️ Sports Videos Report

Sports videos are popular, and the 🏟️ Sports Videos Report is indispensable for SEO professionals in the sports and entertainment industry. The link enables you to monitor how Google indexes and displays sports-related videos from your site. This knowledge empowers you to enhance video visibility, engage sports enthusiasts, and improve search rankings.

Subscribed Content Report

Subscribed content is valuable for membership-based websites, and the Subscribed Content Report is essential for SEO professionals managing such content. You can assess how Google indexes and displays subscribed content from your site. This knowledge empowers you to optimize access to premium content, enhance search visibility, and provide value to subscribers.

🚯 Unparsable Structured Data Report

The 🚯 Unparsable Structured Data Report in Google Search Console is crucial for SEO professionals dealing with unconventional content types. You can assess how Google treats content of unknown types from your website. This insight is pivotal for fixing 🚯 Unparsable Structured Data, enhancing search visibility, and ensuring that diverse content formats are appropriately indexed.

🏨 Vacation Rentals Report

🏨 Vacation Rentals Report provide an overview of Structured data related to 🏨 Vacation Rentals offers on your site. You can see how this data is indexed and check data correctness. Crucial report for website owners, who offers 🏨 Vacation Rentals on their sites.

🚗 Vehicle Listings Report

The 🚗 Vehicle Listings report in Google Search Console is a new valuable tool for website owners and webmasters in the automotive industry. This report provides insights and data related to how your 🚗 Vehicle Listings are performing in Google Search. It focuses on the visibility and ranking of your vehicle listings, helping you optimize your online presence for potential buyers and enthusiasts.

📹 Videos Report

📹 Videos are a dynamic content format, and the 📹 Videos Report is essential for SEO experts managing video-rich websites. This link allows you to monitor how Google indexes and displays videos from your site. This knowledge empowers you to enhance 📹 Videos visibility, engage users through visual content, and improve search rankings.

📼 Video Index Report

The 📼 Video Index Report is essential for websites that feature video content. You can assess how your videos are indexed and presented in Google Search. This report is invaluable for optimizing your video content's visibility and performance.

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